Brides Of La Mariée

Kedves La Marieé hölgyek,

Ezúton szeretném megköszönni a segítőkészségeteket és a Pronovias márka kimagasló szakértelmét! Az első alkalommal, mikor ellátogattam a szalonba és próbáltam a kölcsönözhető ruhákat, rögtön tudtam valami különlegeset szeretnék. Ezért, mivel az időpont és méret választék az én méretemben limitált volt, úgy döntöttem megvásárolom álmaim ruháját! A Pronovias 2016 kollekció "Tosha" modeljére esett a választásom, ami halvány rózsaszín színű, csipkés és hosszú uszályos, hercegnős csoda! Érdemes megemlíteni, hogy Angliában élek és az esküvőnk előtt csak egyszer tudtam haza utazni próbálni. Így először aggódtam, hogy megfog érkezni időben a ruha, amire hazautazok. De precízen, ahogy megbeszéltük, értesítettek a szállítás pontos időpontjáról a fizetési ütemezésről. Ezért is csak ajánlani tudom La Marieé-t, azoknak a külföldön élő menyaszonyoknak, akik otthon tervezik az esküvőjüket! A ruha csodálatos volt, a fátyol és az öv még csodálatosabbá tette és tökéletesen illett a Prónay kastély hangulatához. A ruhám ma érkezett meg kitisztítva és elcsomagolva selyempapíral bélelt dobozba, mert megőrzöm emlékbe. További sok sikert és elégedett menyasszonyt kívánok!

- Anna

Kedves La Mariée!

Szeretném megköszönni a végtelen türelmet és kedvességet, amit felém tanusítottak a lányok az összes ruhapróba alkalmával. Az első szalon első ruhája volt, amit eleinte el sem akartam hinni..., hogy ilyen létezik! Szakmai tudásuk és a menyasszonyokhoz való hozzáállásuk azt gondolom óriási kincs, úgy dolgoznak együtt, mint egy nagy család! Minden elbizonytalanodás alkalmával újra és újra megerősítettek abban, hogy ez a ruha az alakomra való! Mellékelten küldök pár képet, úgy gondolom igazolják, hogy jó kezekben voltam! Köszönöm azt is, hogy Önök által lehetőségem nyílt arra, hogy a menyasszonyi frizurámat egy igazi Pronovias fejdísz tegye még szebbé!​​​​​​​ Üdvözlettel,

- Kitti

Kedves Lányok!

Ezúton szeretném megköszönni a profi és segítőkész hozzáállást és a kedvességet, amit minden alkalommal tapasztaltam Nálatok. A Pronovias kollekció Blasina ruhája tökéletes választás volt! Csodásan éreztem magam benne és mindenkinek nagyon tetszett! Ez volt a második ruha, amit felpróbáltam és legbelül már akkor tudtam, hogy EZ lesz az…talán már Ti is! De ugyanolyan kedvesen és türelmesen segítettetek felpróbálni még egy tucat másik ruhát is, még akkor is, amikor már harmadszorra mentem vissza hozzátok. További sok sikert és elégedett menyasszonyt kívánok! Én mindenkinek csak ajánlani fogom a La Mariée Szalont és remélem, hogy kísérőként még visszatérek hozzátok! Köszönettel

- Borbála

Dear La Mariée,

Please find attached some photos of our wedding, where I was wearing the Pronovias Land dress. I would like to tell you that I’m most lucky to have found you, as you, ladies are really professional, helpful and very kind. Perfection can be achieved in this profession, and your store is an example of that. Thank you for your kindness and attention, something I felt at every fitting. I’m grateful to have found at your store the dress I really loved. I wish you every success in the future, you are real professionals and you have a world-class store. Best regards,

- Dóri

Dear La Mariée,

I’m sending you these photos to say thank you. I think in my case it was the dress that chose me, not the other way round, and it made me absolutely happy that my dear mother told me I was the most beautiful bride in the world, that my fiancé pictured me exactly like this, and that my friends said it seemed as if the dress had been designed for me. I ill never forget those minutes I spent at your store, since my short visit there is one of my fondest memories. The store, calm and professional, is a piece of heaven on earth, the dream of every bride, and I will heartily recommend you to every friend of mine who are planning get married. To the newlywed brides who wrote before and will write after me, I wish all the happiness in the world! Best regards,

- Bianka

Dear La Mariée,

My letter is long overdue, I’m sending it now. I had an image, a dress of my dreams. I was told in many stores that they had it, however I had to realize that every dress looked different in the pictures in the catalogues. I called you as well, and although you didn’t have the dress I had in mind, you were so nice and helpful then, that I checked out the dresses on your website to see which ones I liked, and I made an appointment. It’s difficult for me to make decisions. But when I tried the Lenix dress by Pronovias, it struck me: YES. I’ve found the Dress. I put on the veil and my mother and godmother had tears in their eyes. My childhood dream came true and I was wearing a beautiful and unique dress when my love and I exchanged our vows. It’s been a pleasure to look at the photos ever since. The guests also liked my dress... they said, yes it really suits Anett :) I wish that every bride would have such a wonderful day as I was fortunate enough to have. I wish the store success and satisfied brides like me in the future. The shoes were really comfortable. The jewelry complemented the dress beautifully. Everything was great. I’ve attached some photos, please pick some to share, I couldn’t make up my mind :)
Best regards,

- Anett

Dear La Mariée,

Ever since I was a little girl I had been preparing for that day when, dressed like a princess, I would walk down the aisle with my father to meet the love of my life. I tried to picture many many times what the music, the flowers and the bridesmaids would be like, but the only thing I didn’t have a clear picture about, which I didn’t know how it would look, was the “dream dress”. I have never been able to draw, to create or design something, but I’ve been very lucky as you made the dream I couldn’t even imagine come true. The Oropel dress was love at first sight. It was the first dress I tried on, and there was no doubt that I was going to choose it. It was one of the most beautiful days in my life, when my dream came true and I was wearing this dress as my love and I exchanged our vows. Thank you for your kindness, your attention, your kind words and for making me feel like a real princess. I hope you will make many brides as happy as I was, and I wish you every success, strength and persistence in the future. Please find attached the photos as I’ve promised.

- Melinda

Dear La Mariée,

The photos we have been waiting for have arrived at last! Years ago I was daydreaming about my wedding dress, than 2 or 3 years ago I was already sure I would like to wear a Pronovias dress, but I didn’t know where I’d get it from.. Then the time came to start organising our wedding, and luckily, I found You. I arrived at your store with a list of at least 10 dresses and I was really worried that none of them would suit me... The incredible kindness I experienced at your store made me forget this. I felt that the Lenix dress I tried on first was so close to me, that no matter how many dresses I tried on later, I only wanted that one. I’m deeply grateful for your kindness and help I experienced every time, and I’ll always be grateful to you as you helped me find the perfect dress, a dress so magnificent I couldn’t have dreamt of... I felt like a real princess in the Lenix dress and I enjoyed every single moment of that day, one of the most beautiful days in my life - I loved wearing it, and this was obvious for everyone. The groom and the guests really liked it, I received many compliments and nice words that day, and later many more when people saw our photos. I heartily recommend your store to every bride and I wish you many many brides who are as happy, proud and satisfied as I was...!!!

- Anna

Dear La Mariée,

You know, for me, it wasn’t just the dress that made our encounter so special, but was also for my best girlfriend, who was having her wedding within 2 weeks of mine! It was amazing to get into our dresses together in your salon and just adore each other! It still makes my eyes well up with tears....Not to mention, we could had visit you twice as much! You are magicians, and not just for the gorgeous dresses, but for your endless patience, your honesty, your know-how and for all the love you have for this business! Be very proud of what you had created, and what you represent, because I can assure you, there is none like you in the whole Hungary! PS.: Let the photos talk of my dress! :)

- Kata

Dear La Mariée Salon,

I was searching for the perfect dress for 6 months what I had found at your salon eventually! Thank you for your attention to the very details, for taking care of me and especially for the professionalism what you can offer in this business! I had attached the photos of the beautiful.
Optimo dress!

- Gotti

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